Raahe Khaloiye | Full video | AMO PREET | BLUE TOMATOES MUSIC

Duración: 03:45

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Raahe Khloiye I Tune Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/rahe-khloiye-single/id793393785 Download Raahe Khloiye Caller Tunes: Airtel: Dial 5432111011400 and set this song as your hello tune Vodafone: SMS CT 4887635 send to 56789 and set this song as your caller tune IDEA: SMS DT 4887635 send to 55456 and set this song as your dialer tune BSNL (S) (E) : SMS BT 4887635 to 56700 and set this song as your BSNL tune Docomo: SMS SET 4887635 to 543211 and set this song as your caller tune Airce